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The Business Excellence Podcast

What you need to know

Bringing the world's best business experts into your environment

BizX Podcast InfoThis week we join Andy Alderson, Founder of Vanarama, shares his incredible journey of transforming a humble portable cabin business into a powerhouse sold for £200 million to a Fortune 100 company. This is a story of resilience, strategic branding, and visionary leadership.

Tune in every Thursday to catch the latest episode on our YouTube channel and on all audio podcast platforms.

The Business Excellence Podcast is all about YOU and YOUR success. Bringing the world’s best business experts and thought leaders into your environment, giving you the tools and knowledge you need to increase your capability and shape the person you become.

And we don’t just talk the talk – we walk the walk. The Business Excellence Podcast is powered by ActionCOACH, the World’s Number 1 Business Coaching Firm. It’s not about theoretical knowledge – it’s about giving you practical action steps to implement in your business and life right away.

So what are you waiting for? Click the register now button to head to the Business Excellence Podcast Channel, subscribe and enjoy your personal and professional development. Prepare to take action, become the person you want to be and attract the business and life you want to have.

More than just a podcast... 
  • We don't just talk the talk – we walk the walk. The Business Excellence Podcast is powered by ActionCOACH, the World's Number 1 Business Coaching Firm.
  • It’s not about theoretical knowledge – it’s about giving you practical action steps to implement in your business and life right away.
  • The Business Excellence Podcast aims to make business education easily available to those who want to achieve more and do more,empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Behind the scenes

Meet your host

James Vincent has an impressive track record of developing successful teams and instilling high-performance cultures in organisations. He has coached three TeamGB athletes to the top five in the world rankings, and one of his clients won Great Britain's first-ever medal in Men's Badminton at the 2016 Rio Olympics.


Alongside ActionCOACH Managing Director, Julie Wagstaff, he has also led ActionCOACH Team GB to top the Medal Table of over 80 ActionCOACH countries for the last eight consecutive years.

Learn from the best!

Take a look at some of our previous guests on the Business Excellence Podcast

Piers Linney
Former Dragon's Den Investor
Jasmine Birtles
Finance Expert & Owner of
Dr. Tony Alessandra
Founder & Chairman of Assessments 24x7
Powered by ActionCOACH

Business Coaching can make your dreams possible...

Business coaching has changed my personal life, my business life, my mindset, my confidence, everything. I was struggling to reach my turnover target and never felt like I had enough staff to keep up with demand. My coach has helped me systemise my business, eliminate my staffing issues, and allowed me to think big for the future.

Barbara Ikin, Business Owner, Partridge Lakes

Do I believe coaching is for everybody? I think you've got to put the work in. Your coach will get the best out of you, but you need to put that work in. It's worth it and it pays dividends in every single way.

Ryan Michlig, Managing Director, Right Vape

When I go home now I don't have to take my laptop. I actually get to make tea, spend time with the kids and take the dog out for a walk with my partner. She's seen the positive side, I'm not as stressed with the day-to-day stuff or having to order parts at 9 o'clock at night. It's just allowed me to be present at home and be able to focus on the family.

Paul Van Heeswyk, Managing Director, Crucial Engineering

If you aren't improving or changing the things that are stopping you from achieving your goals then you've got to look at yourself as an investment.

Harvey Sutton, Managing Director, Suttons IFA

Fergus Howie has been working with his ActionCOACH for over 6 years. In that time, they’ve had a 360% increase in their net profit and on top of that become an award-winning business, winning several awards for the quality of their products. With the help of his coach, he’s been able to spend more time working on his personal life developing his own life goals.

Fergus Howie, Business Owner, Wicks Manor Farm

ActionCOACH allowed me to grow the business to a point where a large global company has made an exceptional offer to buy my business, build my dream home overseas and prepare to exit the business.

Dave Ayling, Managing Director, Straightpoint

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