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Business Coaching for a Copywriting Company: An Honest Review

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After just nine months of working with ActionCOACH, Magnetic Copy has increased its projected turnover by over 270%, and as a one-woman band, Emma has worked with over 40 clients in this last year alone. 

So, how did Emma achieve this growth? 

“During the five years I spent working for various travel companies in content-heavy roles, there was always a voice in the back of my head saying, ’Why don’t you do this for yourself?’ This voice became louder as the years went on, and by 2021, I was ready to take the plunge and launch my own business, Magnetic Copy. I started from ground zero – I didn’t have many connections or clients, so I ensured I attended every networking event I could whilst creating and posting four or five times a week on LinkedIn to build my brand image. Being consistent online as well as offline was truly exhausting - I knew there had to be a better way of growing my business.”

Whilst discussing a client’s entrepreneurial success, Emma discovered ActionCOACH. “My client had been working with my local Action Coach for two years. She couldn’t say enough good things about her coaching, claiming the innovative systems she had put into place over the last two years had helped her business to soar. Although I had been thinking about business coaching since launching Magnetic Copy, I was worried I wouldn’t receive any results for my investment – this testimonial, along with many others online, gave me all the confidence I needed to give ActionCOACH a go.”

After testing the waters with her business coach, Emma invested in fortnightly group coaching sessions in June 2022.


Researching for a new copywriting project


Strategies to Implement During Early Life of a Business

“Whilst I began working with my business coach about a year into my business journey, I was still trying to find my feet. I had few clients, and my pipeline was virtually non-existent. When I first started my coaching, I was coming out of a busier period but was about to enter a much quieter one with almost no work – I wanted to learn how I could make things more stable. I was proving to myself there was business to get, and I was good enough to get work, but I had only made £18,000 by this point – with no idea how to make my income consistent.

Implementing a bottom-up forecast

“My figures were the first thing we went through. My business coach helped me to realise the opportunity ahead of me I didn’t know or didn’t think I could reach before, and we put my prices up straight away. We did a bottom-up forecast, predicting what could be possible despite my business being relatively new – opening my mind to the potential of what I could earn rather than what I was willing to settle for was a revolutionary thing for me. We worked on setting targets that weren’t daunting but much more ambitious. 

Increasing Prices

“I’ve now put my prices up twice since working with my business coach, and it’s completely transformed my confidence as a business owner. I thought upping my prices would deter clients, but it’s done the opposite. Prior to working with ActionCOACH, January 2022 was the quietest month I’ve ever had, yet January 2023 was the best and busiest month I’ve ever had in business – I know so much of this is the confidence I’m gaining from positioning myself and my business differently. I’m also fully booked for my next month – a compound effect from working with my business coach.”


Work life balance displayed on a notepad


Business Coaching to Gain a Better Work: Life Balance

“When I began my coaching, I had no work-life balance – it was all work! I was working all the time with little to show for it. I realised the longer I let my negative work-life habits become established, the harder it would be to break them. 

“Yvonne instilled in me the importance of a default diary – time blocking my diary, so I have enough time to work on my business as well as in my business. I was in a place where I had a multitude of business developments I wanted to do, but I was never getting around to it because I was constantly putting my client's work first. I was also making my business work around my clients, answering messages late at night and making myself available for work all the time. 

“Now, I don’t answer emails after 4 p.m., and I have the flexibility to plan my own schedule. Just the simple act of blocking some time out to work on my own development has become something I really value – it’s in my diary as a meeting to ensure I’m as committed to myself as I am to my clients. I even had the flexibility last year to go travelling for a month – something I was really nervous about. I didn’t want my absence to hinder the growth of my business, but my business coach reminded me that my business is supposed to give me the life I want – it’s not a burden, it’s a blessing.”


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Copywriting Company Succeeds with Business Coaching.

Within seven months of her coaching journey, Emma increased her turnover from £18,000 to a projected £50,000 for the end of the financial year. At the age of just 28, Emma is truly making her mark in the writing world.

“I worked with 40 clients last year - 60% of these were repeat clients, which was an empowering testament to my work and my success. This year I am working with five clients on a monthly retainer and focusing on working with fewer people but on much higher-value projects. ActionCOACH has helped me to learn to stick to my guns and to have the confidence to turn down work that isn’t going to serve me in the long run. I now recognise my value, and I know Magnetic Copy needs to be about what works for me, not just for my clients.

“I’m now thinking of growing my team and outsourcing work to other writers – something I didn’t think I would be doing until much further down the line! I know I can’t do everything on my own because there’s a capacity limit that you can hit quite quickly if you’re not mindful of your workload.

“Something else that is really important in my future is collaborations. I have started building partnerships with brand strategists, social media managers, with people who offer email marketing implementation, and we give each other business as we offer our services as a package. It’s a new element of Magnetic Copy I’m really excited to explore as I continue to evolve alongside my business.”


Are you ready to transform your business?

Has reading Emma’s story inspired you to think about your own business and where you could be heading? It’s okay to feel sceptical about business coaching, especially when you’re just starting out as a business owner. We get it, change is hard, especially when it comes to you and your business. 

We understand you’ve worked hard and put in a lot of time to get your business to where it is today, which is why we want to showcase the stories of business owners who have been in your shoes and decided they were ready for business coaching.

If you're contemplating whether business coaching is right for you, speak with one of our advisors and see how you can achieve your dreams and navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. Alternatively, take a look at some of our programmes below. 

Explore our programmes

Take a look at some of our coaching programmes that can help you and your business grow.


A powerful blended group learning, coaching and development environment.


Build your powerful 90-Day Success Plan with your local business community.


Coaching programme for small groups of up to 4 non-competing business owners