Should You Choose Online or In-Person Business Coaching?

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If you’re a business owner and want to excel in your field, you’ve probably considered hiring a business coach

However, there are so many different types available. 

Firstly, you have different specialities—for example, specific locations, processes, or industry specialists. 

Secondly, you have different locations, particularly online and in-person. This, unlike specialities, is a little bit more different to choose between. 

The thing is, both are great. It really depends on you, the person hiring the business coach. 

To make this easier for you, we’ll break down both options so you can make the most informed decision on which is better for your goals. 

Online vs in person 2

What is Online Business Coaching 

Online business coaching is coaching that’s delivered virtually. This is usually by video calls, phone calls, or messaging. 

What is In-Person Business Coaching 

In-person business coaching is coaching that’s conducted face-to-face. For the most part, this is in an office space or at the business owner's workplace or home. 

Pros and Cons of Online Business Coaching 



Online coaching allows you to connect with coaches from anywhere. For instance, we offer 1,000 coaches across 83 countries.

The lack of in-person interaction can limit learning capacity, as detailed by this study by The Royal Society

You can access specialised expertise that might not be available locally.

Technical issues, such as poor connectivity, can disrupt sessions. 

It’s cost-effective, as expenses like travel, venue rentals, and food are eliminated.

Remote environments often come with distractions

Sessions can be recorded for later review, helping reinforce learning. This is important as 50% of all new knowledge is lost within a few days. 

Certain hands-on or interactive activities can be difficult to replicate in an online setting.

With a customised pace, clients can often review materials, assignments, or recordings when they like. 


Pros and Cons of In-Person Business Coaching 



Face-to-face interaction enhances learning by improving the social transmission of information.

It can be time-consuming and inflexible because of travel and fixed scheduling

Real-time practice under direct supervision (aka active learning) accelerates skill development.

Higher costs due to physical sessions involving expenses like venue and travel.

Physical presence fosters greater focus and accountability.

Access to specialised coaches may be restricted based on location.

In-person sessions promote professional connections and collaboration.


Easier to scale, ideal for group coaching.


one-to-one coaching at home

Comparing the Different Coaching Methods for Business Owners 

Now that you know the pros and cons of both coaching methods, let’s compare them side by side:


Online Business Coaching

In-Person Business Coaching


High. Connect with coaches globally.

Limited by geographical location.


Cost-effective. Eliminates travel, venue rentals, and other related expenses.

Higher costs due to travel, venue fees, and other associated expenses.


High. Sessions can be recorded, reviewed, and paced according to the client’s schedule.

Low. Fixed schedules and travel requirements can be time-consuming and inflexible.


Lower focus. Remote settings can lead to distractions.

Higher focus. Physical presence fosters greater accountability and fewer distractions.

Learning Experience

Mixed. Lack of in-person interaction may limit learning, but session recordings help reinforce knowledge retention.

Strong. Face-to-face interaction enhances social learning and skill development.

Technical Issues

Possible disruptions from poor connectivity or technical issues.

No technical disruptions, allowing for smooth, uninterrupted sessions.

Hands-On Activities

Difficult to replicate certain hands-on or interactive activities.

Easier to engage in real-time practice with direct supervision, promoting skill development.

Networking Opportunities

Limited opportunities for networking or collaboration.

Excellent for fostering professional connections and collaborative opportunities.

How to Choose the Right Coaching Option for You 

You can see whether online or in-person business coaching is best for you by following the guide below. 

Step 1: Define Your Goals

First, you want to start identifying your main goals. Goals regarding the advice you need and the duration of coaching required.

You can figure this out by asking yourself the following questions: 

  • How long do I require business coaching? 
  • How specialised is the business coaching I require? 

Short-term coaching, in general, is best online. It doesn’t require much commitment, and it’s extremely flexible. You also have very quick access to specialised information. 

Long-term coaching is better in person. By doing this, you build a connection with the business coach, allowing you to get more personalised training. 

With in-person coaching, it’s possible to get specialised training. However, it may require more travel for the coach or yourself, depending on the coach’s availability in your area. 

Step 2: Consider Your Learning Style

What learning environment is best for you? Online or in-person. That’s what you need to think about. 

From our perspective, we think online learning is for those who are visual or auditory learners. These individuals seem to prefer this approach to coaching.  

On the other hand, if you’re more hands-on, then in-person coaching is more for you. It allows you to communicate in person, and for some, that’s their preferred way of coaching. 

Whichever you choose is up to you. Just know you can always change. You may even be able to do a hybrid, some in-person and some online. 

Step 3: Assess Your Schedule and Flexibility

Typically speaking, if you’re busy, travel often, or need flexibility, then online business coaching is for you. It provides the maximum flexibility, as you can create your own schedule. 

Alternatively, in-person business coaching is more for you if you prefer a routine and set structure. 

Step 4: Review Your Budget

Coaching for business owners comes in a variety of packages. It can range from £1,500 to £3,000 a month

The difference in pricing is largely due to the demand of the coach or their speciality. It can also be influenced by their location, travel needs, and so forth. 

However, most of the time, online business coaching is more affordable. The main reason behind this is that it’s remote; therefore, no travel is required. This also eliminates other costs associated with hotels, food, etc. 

In contrast, with in-person business coaching, somebody has to travel—either you or the coach. And depending on the coach available in your area, the travel may be quite significant. 

Step 5: Evaluate Networking and Communication Needs

When thinking about business coaching, don’t always think it’s one-to-one.

You can also get group business coaching. Which, for those who want to network and communicate with others, is a great idea. 

During these sessions, you get two things: coaching and the opportunity to meet like-minded people. It’s a double-win situation. 

This, however, is only really for in-person coaching. It’s possible via online coaching, but networking online is always more difficult. 

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What Business Coaching is Best for You? 

After reading the above, you should have a better understanding of what coaching option is best for you. 

To help finalise this decision, the below table can help: 


Best Option


Short-Term, Specific Goals

Online Coaching

Provides quick, flexible solutions with easy access to specialised knowledge.

Flexible Schedule

Online Coaching

Perfect for those with busy or unpredictable schedules, allowing for sessions anywhere.

Long-Term, Personalised Support

In-Person Coaching

Builds deeper, more personal relationships and offers ongoing support and guidance.

Visual or Auditory Learners

Online Coaching

Ideal for learning through webinars, screen sharing, and other digital tools.

Hands-On Learner

In-Person Coaching

Offers face-to-face interaction and more engaging, hands-on learning experiences.

Tight Budget

Online Coaching

More affordable as it eliminates travel and other logistical costs.

Networking Priority

In-Person Coaching

Provides stronger opportunities for local networking and personal interactions.

Seeking Global Connections

Online Coaching

Allows access to a global network of experts and professionals.


After reading the above, you should better understand whether online or in-person business coaching is best suited for you. 

Just as a brief breakdown, online business coaching is mainly best for short-term partnerships and those that need flexibility.

In-person business coaching, however, is more suited to those that require long-term coaching and hands-on learning. 

At ActionCoach, our business coaches can offer both in-person and online business coaching. If you’re ready to get a coach, find one today by using our tool.

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