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domain: business
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Ross Mannion

Coach Support Analyst
Analysing, reporting, communicating KPIs and gaining insight through data to support decision making.

    Ross’ Bio

    After graduating from NTU with a masters degree in Mathematics, Ross joined ActionCOACH UK in a Marketing Data Analyst role, later evolving to a Coach Support Analyst role.


    Ross is responsible for the analysis and reporting of ActionCOACH UK's KPIs, gaining insight through data to identify trends and patterns to support decision making, and creating reports to highlight key areas of success and opportunity.


    When he's not creating spreadsheets in Excel, Ross enjoys going for long hikes, doing pub quizzes, playing table tennis and watching a lot of Tennis and Football (LCFC!).

    Fun facts about Ross

    • Known as the most intelligent person within ActionCOACH UK, Ross has a Masters degree in Maths

    • Once a junior County Champion in Tennis and Table Tennis

    • I've watched all of the 150 top rated films on IMDb

    • I've won multiple pub quizzes on 'The Simpsons'

    • I've played Joseph in Nativity plays 3 times
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