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domain: business
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PreviewMode: false
customDomain: null
domain: business
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customDomain: null
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Abi Whitelegg

Motion Graphic Designer
Creating Visual Wonders: Revolutionising Web and YouTube with Dynamic Motion Graphics

    Abi’s Bio

    Abi has over 5 years of motion graphic and video editing experience, both freelance and for various companies in the UK. After graduating from university in 2018 with her Masters degree in animation, she has created motion graphic and animation work for companies such as the National Trust, TV Licensing and estate agents. 


    Now, Abi is creating engaging, educational content for the web and socials platforms like YouTube to educate and inspire business owners about business coaching and ActionCOACH UK.

    Fun facts about Abi

    • Abi is a huge nerd who loves everything from Star Wars to ancient history.

    • She has two tattoos based on her favourite game and book.

    • Abi has a passion for gardening and loves to grow her own fruit and vegetables.

    • While working as a freelancer, she worked as a mixologist in a cocktail bar.

    • Sewing is also another passion of Abi's, she especially loves crochet.
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