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domain: business
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PreviewMode: false
customDomain: null
domain: business
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customDomain: null
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customDomain: null
domain: business
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customDomain: actioncoachfoundation

Assess Your Business

How does your business stack up against the 6 key areas for business growth? Answer 13 simple questions for a personalised report. Gain clarity and direction to drive your business success in just 3 minutes. Plus, it's free!

Get your score

    Transform Your Business with Clarity

    Discover Your Key Growth Areas

    Gain a clear understanding of your growth potential and equip yourself with the tools to drive long-term success.

    Gain Confidence Through Clear Focus

    Stop second-guessing your strategies and start taking strategic action with confidence as you align your efforts and achieve your goals.

    Maximise Efficiency, Minimise Effort

    Streamline your efforts, saving valuable time and resources that can now be directed towards strategies that deliver real growth and success.

    Business Ownership

    Unlock the path to your businesses success…

    • Are you constantly juggling multiple strategies, unsure of where to focus your efforts for meaningful business growth?
    • Do you find yourself overwhelmed and uncertain about the next steps to take your business to the next level?
    • Are you tired of wasting valuable time and resources on ineffective strategies due to a lack of clarity?
    • Would you benefit from expert insights and actionable tips to drive your business forward and achieve the success you desire?
    Business Freedom

    Introducing the ActionCOACH Business Assessment - Discover Your Key Focus Area in Just 3 Minutes!

    In today's competitive business landscape, knowing exactly where to focus your efforts is crucial for achieving next-level success. We understand the challenges you face as a business owner, and that’s why we have created the ActionCOACH Business Assessment.

    This comprehensive tool is specifically designed to help you identify your business's key focus areas and gain the clarity and confidence needed to take strategic action. By answering just 13 simple questions tailored to your unique business needs, you'll receive a personalised report instantly, revealing your business's key focus areas.

    Get your score

    How you will achieve this

    Answer 13 simple questions about your business and you'll receive a personalised report instantly!
    Click on 'Get your Score' to start the process
    Click through and answer each of the 13 questions
    Hit 'submit' and you'll be emailed your personalised report 
    Discover immediate and valuable insights
    Direct your focus towards the strategies that deliver for you
    dashboard 1
    Start seeing results as you focus on the 6 key areas for business growth
    the process

    Transform your business in 3 easy steps:

    Imagine the transformation your business can experience by clearly understanding its key focus areas. Here's what you can expect when you take the ActionCOACH Business Assessment:


    Identify Your Key Areas For Improvement

    By analysing your answers using our established and proven 4-step methodology. You'll receive targeted insights to guide your decision-making process and prioritise your business's growth potential.


    Gain Focus And Make Strategic Decisions

    Armed with a clear focus area/s, you'll have the confidence to make informed decisions and take strategic action. No more wasting time on scattered efforts. Your actions will be aligned with your business's growth objectives.


    Leverage Knowledge And Achieve Growth

    We've tapped into the collective wisdom of hundreds of the world's leading business coaches. Our personalised report includes expert insights and actionable tips to help you navigate challenges, capitalise on opportunities, and achieve tangible results.

    Take Action

    Unlock Your Business's Potential Today!

    Answer 13 simple questions, get instant results, and receive your personalised PDF report with expert insights and actionable tips. It's FREE and takes just 3 minutes! Take the ActionCOACH Business Assessment today and gain the clarity and direction you need to drive your business to new heights of success!

    Get your score